eBook Publishing

eBooks have become common place for reading books on various mobile platforms. AppCedar will post exclusively on how we can access these platforms with our own publications, and provide useful tools.

Gone are the days when the only form of readership was the book (hard & soft covers). A few years ago, other common media such as the disc ROMs became common, among others. But today, it is very common for individual authors to publish their work using the various ebook formats such as the .Mobi, .ePub, .iBook, etc.

According to a February 2014 Forbes article (http://goo.gl/wx3jZZ), E-books now make up around 30% of all book sales; clearly, this is notable.

Now, although there are signs that some e-book adopters are returning to print, or becoming hybrid readers (juggling their reading between devices and paper, according to this September 2015 NYTimes article http://goo.gl/RW2pKP), ebook remains very assessable to individual author/publishers, who can leverage on very cheap and easy-to-use tools to move their work out into the public domain, and make their sales. Nowadays, this is the route new authors go before they hiring the services of book publishing establishments.

So how can we access these platforms for those our small publications? It is by far easier than most people realize today.

In the next couple of weeks coming, AppCedar.net will post exclusively on this, as well as provide tools with which any individual may commonly produce and publish articles to some of the popular world class ebook retailers, such as, Apple’s iBookstore and Amazon’s kindle direct publishing.

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